Birthday Parties

An Out of this World Celebration!

Grab your mission crew and blast off on an out-of-this-world birthday adventure at theThe Glastonbury Planetarium.   Start in the cafeteria with refreshments (you provide your own) and presents (sorry, these are not provided!) then move to the Planetarium to entertain your guests with a live tour of the night sky followed by a Space Show (select from the options below) of your choosing.   Recommended for ages 6 and up with a maximum of 80 guests.  Please do not call the GEHMS Office for information.  Thank you!

Book A Party



Availability is limited to select Saturdays only from September - June.   Two time slots are available between 11:00 am - 1:00 pm  and 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.   Parties are booked on a first-come first-serve basis.    Birthday Parties from July - August are based on staff availability.    

Current availability is on these dates only:

Please note: The custodian and Planetarium Operator are not supervisors of children or adults.   Birthday party hosts must ensure that proper supervision is provided for.

Space Show Options

All shows include a live-interactive age appropriate star talk.

Ages 8 and up

Ages 8 and up